We know that part of good health is healthy teeth. Helping our patients learn how to care for their teeth, and working to solve oral problems when they occur is our goal at Alpha Dental of Fall River.
A smile is a greeting and the best photos are those where people are smiling. (The photographer says “Say Cheese” so you will have an open, friendly smile.) Bring your friendly personality to work and social situations where people are trying to accomplish something together and smile!
The dentists and hygiene team appreciate nothing more than a great smile, and we offer a variety of services you may want to look into to improve yours. We offer the routine cleaning, fillings, x-rays along with Whitening options, Realignment of teeth, and Cosmetic Dentistry services. Even the cat knows it is important to brush the dog’s teeth!
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What do our patients think? This comment is from Stanislava, “Trying to find a Good Dentist who Really Care and Listen?? I would Highly Recommend Alpha Dentist”. Ms. B put her experience this way, “After my cleaning I looked at my teeth and was like amazed! I felt like I had brand new teeth! My teeth looked 15 years younger and I felt so much more pretty. It was a great experience. I suggest people who fear the dentist come to Alpha dental.” Jacqueline reported “Great staff and service, highly recommended!”.
Reviews like these make us smile – we are all happy to come to work! We try hard to provide excellent service with a caring touch and it is wonderful that our patients notice.
After all, our motto: “The world looks better behind a great smile!”