Welcome to Alpha Dental Center
We would like to be your home for all your dental care needs.
Our highly skilled dentists and hygienists offer the latest in family dental care, pediatrics, cosmetic dentistry and restoration services. From a basic teeth cleaning to intricate procedures to restore missing teeth, we are here to help. We serve Southeastern Massachusetts, The Cape and now Rhode Island. Check to see which office may be most convenient for you.
Modern State of the Art Equipment
Our offices provide modern state-of-the-art equipment such as panoramic digital x-rays to effectively diagnose and treat dental problems of all kinds.
Friendly Staff
Our dentists and hygienists bring a caring human touch, in addition to their years of education and experience, when working with patients.
Advanced Dentistry
Our dentists bring the latest techniques and materials to significant work such as dental implants as well as the application of veneers, and improved tooth alignment.
Our services cover the entire family, from children to senior citizens. From dealing with a broken or dislodged tooth to creating a more regular or whiter smile, we're here to help you.
Dental implants are the metal posts which are surgically inserted to replace missing tooth roots in
We are pleased to be able to treat every member of a family - with care appropriate to the individua
The purpose of Cosmetic Dentistry is to improve the appearance of your teeth and your smile. This ca
Alpha Dental offers two types of teeth whitening products, Opalesence® and Zoom®. Both of these ar
Advanced tooth decay can cause severe discomfort and loss of the affected tooth. The best way to tre
When several consecutive teeth are missing, a dental bridge is used to provide a functioning bite. T
Our Team of Doctors

Get in touch with us today 1(855) 50-ALPHA
Alpha Dental in Southeastern Mass, The Cape & Rhode Island
Insurance Accepted

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The Cape and Rhode Island.